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Birds are my first love. When I began photographing, I photographed birds primarily. I developed quite the addiction. I became fascinated with them, wanting to study them, and I wanted to get a good image of as many species as I could. I traveled to Texas for the Green Jay, to Toronto for the snowy owl, to Florida for the Roseate Spoonbill. I began setting up perches in my front yard to attract them to land on a photogenic stump or log. I set up a tent in my front yard so I could secretly watch and photograph them too. I kept track of the different species I could attract. I watched them fight, chase each other off, and have squabbles. I fell in love with the Bluebirds and over the past 2 years have watched about a dozen babies being cared for meticulously by their parents. They entertain me and brighten my day. Sometimes I think I must be part cat to sit and watch these birds as they flitter and hop about, chasing each other off from the feeders and working cooperatively together to build a home or feed and care for their babies.

“Everyone likes birds. What wild creature is more accessible to our eyes and ears, as close to us and everyone in the world, as universal as a bird?” David Attenborough